Jak J Alveberg AS fører et omfattende sortiment av lim, fugemasser, kjemikalier og maling levert iht. militære spesifikasjoner:
Jak J. Alveberg AS innehar Cage: N0531
Kommer snart
MIL Spec Vi leverer og lagerfører toplakk i henhold til MIL-DTL-53039C Type I
Mere info: Vi leverer også «paint strippers and cleaners»
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PRC and Pro Seal Aerospace
Please find our product list here
We have, over the years, established a global supplier nework of chemicals for the aerospace and defence industry. Today, we are in a position to be able to supply products in accordance with most common specifications in this industry. Main product groups are:
We are in a position to supply a wide range of products with US, uk, Nato and other military specifications. If not available from our standard list of suppliers, we know where we can be sourced.
Get in touch, and we will assist you in finding what you are searching for!