
Jak. J. Alveberg AS har levert løsninger for korrosjonsbeskyttelse av metaller siden oppstarten i 1917, og dette er fortsatt et av våre viktigste områder.

I dag leverer vi korrosjonsbeskyttende malinger til områder som:

  • Ballastanker på skip.
  • Galvaniserte høyspentmaster.
  • Stålkonstruksjoner innenfor vannkraftsektoren.
  • Tanker, spuntvegger, osv.

Kort sagt tilbyr vi skreddersydde løsninger for de fleste underlag og miljøer. Kontakt oss så hjelper vi deg med å finne best mulig løsning for ditt korrosjonsproblem.


Continous anti corrosion maintenance is of such importance to vessel safety that the international authorities are toughening their regulations in this field.

At Jak, we have toughened up our product and internal operational requirements, years ago.

To streamline communications and give personal service, a single company representative is assigned to each of our customers.

In addition, we offer cost effective product solutions that "go to work" without the need to interrupt the project several times whilst in progress.

Salt Water Ballast Tanks

Good continuity, crew and owner satisfaction are gained by doing a project while the ship is under way.

Whilst our coatings are corrosion preventive, any existing rust must first be removed.

More importantly, our products adhere to old intact coatings.

They are also moisture tolerant, and dry under water, thus saving valuable time, and improving productivity.

Portable Watertanks

Jak. J. Alveberg as have a number of products for these areas. These products have the English WRC drinking water approval.

The least expensive solution is the tried and tested bituminous product NWC. This is a product with more than 30 years track record.

We can also supply a state of the art solvent free epoxy solution, namely Versapox.

Cargo Holds

The range of products we can offer for these areas spans from inexpensive rust converters, through grain certified epoxies and glass flake epoxies, through to highly abrasion resistant, flexible heavy duty coatings.

Our solutions range from "coat after every journey" to solutions that will last for years, even with a lot of mechanical exposure.

Other Solutions

We are allways concerned about the economics of your projets.

We can therefore offer cost effective maintenance solutions for:

  • Portable water tanks
  • Slop and grey water tanks
  • Anti abrasive cargo hold coatings
  • Deck coatings